
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week 36

I am trying to think of ideas for the 100% loaded picture...and it's now less than 4 weeks today! Like whoa, where did time go?

The nursery appears ready, everything I think I need from the attic has been pulled, and my mom sterilized all the pump and bottle parts.  I have stuff set aside for the hospital bag; I won't be washing a Clemson blanket at 2am while fighting contractions this time!  Ready...I think.

Football starts back, and I realized I have nothing to wear for the game!  Yes, I will be watching the games at home, but trying to fit into my jersey wasn't comfortable.  It fits, but it's not something I want to sit around for  3+ hours wearing.

How far along: 36 weeks 6 days

How big is baby?:
According to the APP, I'm Expecting: Started the Week 36 as the size of a Coconut
and is about to be a Celery Bunch.

Weight gain?:
1 this week, 32 total

Stretch marks?: Still lucky - none so far

Sleep has not been great this week.  One thing I did not experience with Aidan is waking up to go pee in the middle of the night, though I am drinking a lot of water right before bed, and it's only one time.  In addition, my hips and lower back ache, so getting comfortable is not easy.  I almost lay on my stomach, using a pillow to prop me up some, but side lying is not comfortable.

Best moment?:  So many great moments this week!  My niece, Rosalind Elise, was born on my Pepaw's 81st Birthday.  Aidan met his cousin for the first time, and I celebrated an old friend's birthday before he moved away (retiring).  In addition, Owen received a wonderful gift from some very special friends this week!  Oh, and I also had an hour long prenatal massage, it was heaven and alleviated a lot of the hip and back pain.

Holding Rosalind just a few hours old!
Aidan met Rosalind at 5 days old

Great friend and coworker

Worst moment?:  Having to say good bye to my friends/coworkers.  I have known them for almost 10 years, and who knows what career path I would have chosen had it not been for them.  They knew me before I could have my first beer, before I was engaged/married/having kids, congratulated me on two different occasions for college degrees, and were there to celebrate my professional license.  We worked hard, been through some tough career choices, and enjoyed a round of golf and a swig of beer together.  I know we'll keep in touch, but it was so nice having them 20 minutes away to visit and catch up.  However, I know they're a phone call and email away, and I always cherish their advice and friendship.  Best of luck to both of them as one retires and the other heads home after 23 years on the road! 

Food cravings?: CHEEEEEEESEBURGERS!  I had Five Guys twice in one week, which is crazy rare for me to do.  However, my hemaglobin levels are still low, and I take plenty of iron supplements, so it doesn't hurt to consume more iron.  And if I'm going to splurge, I should go for a good cheeseburger, ya know?!

Symptoms?:  RLP, some morning sickness, acne, exhaustion, little swelling

I lifted weights twice this week.  No extracurricular walking, just the normal job walking.

Movement?: Owen seems to have dropped a little, which I suppose allows him to stretch those legs (or arms) a little more.  He had jabbed me in the ribs on multiple occasions causing me to say "ouch" aloud and having people look at me weird.

Belly button?:
100% outie.

What I miss?: Being able to easily pick stuff up off the floor.  Even at the gym when I have to bend over to pick up my keys as I move to the next exercise is burdensome.  Plus, Owen likes to remind me that I have a stomach in the way, so I can't bend over as far.

Labor signs?

TMI: With Owen sitting lower, the 'rhoids have turned from inconvenience to major pain or a better way to put it from raisins to grapes.  I upped my magnesium intake once more, but it doesn't seem to help that much, especially with the additional iron.  So I gave in, and on mornings I feel like it's been too many days in between BM's, I drink coffee to help things along.  I avoided caffeine for as long as possible, but I need some relief, and 'rhoids could cause permanent damage, so I gave up.  Coffee, hi, I missed you.

Also, I had the GBS swab this week at my OB appointment, and I don't remember it being quite so painful.  The doc said he really angered my cervix, and I had to wait around a while because it was bleeding more than normal.  Fun fun.

What I'm looking forward to?
We are celebrating Aidan's birthday as a family this weekend, so I will get to see my grandparents, siblings, and parents!  We're keeping things low key, and while we will miss celebrating with Aidan's friends, I am not up for planning a big party of having lots of kids to entertain. Could have something to do with my due date being about 2 weeks away when we celebrate.
Also, this coming weekend is a 4 day weekend!  Woohoo.
College football RETURNS! Clemson has a big game against's been ten years since they were in Death Valley.  I remember that game very well - it was the first game AJ and I ever attended together, but let's not talk about the score.

Bump Progression:
Week 33                  Week 34                 Week 35

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