On Friday, I spent a lot of timing organizing the nursery and actually making sure we're ready in case Owen decides to come early. Now that everything is ready, it means he will stay until his due date or later. But at least he won't come early AND catch us offguard. Hah, mom is ready baby boy.
How far along: 35 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to the APP, I'm Expecting: Started the Week 34 as the size of a Honey Dew and is about to be a Coconut.
Weight gain?: 1 this week, 31 total
Stretch marks?: Still lucky - none so far
Sleep?: Sleep would be great...if it weren't for a toddler who wakes early! Seriously though, the kid wakes up at 4 am or 5am, and sometimes he doesn't go back to sleep. Otherwise, sleep is still good.
Best moment?: Feeling I accomplished a lot with the nursery! It is weird seeing the crib bed up so high, but I feel like we're ready now. Diapers stuff, laundry folded, and the room is organized.
Worst moment?: Our garage door breaking. :( The spring snapped, and it's one of those repairs that you have to call the person with the appropriate tools to fix. It was a quick fix, but not a cheap one. However, I cannot stand having to unlock my front door to go in and out of the house.
Food cravings?: Shrimp and ice cream, though not together!
Symptoms?: RLP, some morning sickness, acne
Exercise?: I walked 3+ miles this week and worked out three times.
Movement?: Aidan finally had the patience to feel Owen move! Though he was not excited like I was. Silly boy, doesn't he know how cool it is to feel his baby brother move?!
Belly button?: 100% outie.
What I miss?: I miss not worrying about how much water I consumed. I try to drink 120 ounces per day, but I have a hard time remembering how many bottles of water I drank or feel like I need to chug water if I am behind.
Labor signs?:None
TMI: The 'rhoids are a royal pain. I'm not sure if Owen is starting to descend, but I can tell a difference with the hemorrhoids. Swelling, too...
What I'm looking forward to?We are patiently waiting on Rosalind to make her debut. My sister was 40 weeks this past Wednesday, and is at the hospital since Sunday morning being induced. Waiting, waiting, waiting.
I also have a prenatal massage planned for this Friday, and I am looking forward to it.
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