Let the toddler bed transition begin! We steamed the floors, painted the walls, built the bed, and installed a ceiling fan. Mom and I went shopping for Aidan's mattress and new (Elmo) crib sheets. In addition, AJ's parents bought Aidan a chest of drawers, which we will receive next week, but in the mean time Aidan began his transition on Sunday.
How far along:25 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to the APP, I'm Expecting: Started the Week 24 as the size of a Zucchini and is about to be a Eggplant.
Weight gain?: 2 this week, 23 total.
Stretch marks?: Only the Linea nigra
Sleep?: Sleep is still good despite needing the pillow and Owen kicking me on the side I attempt to sleep on. The only time I am woken up is if one of the dogs need to be let outside.
Best moment?: Work on the house began! More details to follow soon...We met with a cabinet guy that does custom work, and we made a decision on the type of cabinets and color. Now, let's hope he's within budget.
Food cravings?: Red meat, which is rare since I don't often want it. I was definitely craving a good burger and another one.
Symptoms?: Cramps in my calves despite my extra calcium consumption. No bloody noses this week, thank goodness.
Exercise?: I continued to walk - 9+ miles this week. I lifted weights four times this week.
Movement?: A lot of movement, and it is easily felt on the outside.
Belly button?: Partial outie and somewhat flat. Aidan poked my belly button several times through out the week...he laughed when he did it.
What I miss?: Coffee, despite me not liking it for a very long time, I would enjoy a nice cup of coffee...or red wine. I'd take either.
Labor signs?:None
TMI: Nothing new this week...thank goodness, eh?
What I'm looking forward to?: Hanging out with friends and their kids at the beach this weekend!
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It didn't take long for Aidan to make a mess of his room |
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Elmo bedding to hopefully entice Aidan to sleep in the toddler bed |
Anxious to hear how it went last night! Elmo seems to be a life saver with these toddlers so I hope he did the trick in the "big boy" bed too!