70% Complete!! So my appointments went from every 4 weeks to 3 weeks. I still can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is passing.
How far along:28 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to the APP, I'm Expecting: Started the Week 28 as the size of a Iceburg Lettuce and is about to be a Butternut Squash.
Weight gain?: None this week, 25 total
Stretch marks?: Only the Linea nigra, though my veins on the side of my stomach are extremely blue and visible!
Sleep?: Sleeping better than last week, thanks to Aidan figuring out that he doesn't need to be up at 4am. Although, I have to adjust the thermostat to cooler temperatures because if we are near 70 degrees F, I wake up sweating.
Best moment?: A good friend of mine that I have known since high school was in town this weekend to celebrate her nieces and brother's birthdays. I always enjoy hanging out at her family's house...always so welcoming. Of course, Aidan loved their pool.
We also met the closing attorney (on our turf) to finalize the construction loan paperwork. Full speed ahead on the housing stuff!
Food cravings?: FISH! SHRIMP! Seafood
Symptoms?: Round Ligament Pain
Exercise?: I walked 3+ miles and was at the gym lifting weights 3 days last week.
Movement?: Lots of movement, sometimes painful kicks or punches. I can count on Owen being active right at my weekday bedtime. I keep hoping that Aidan can feel him, but it seems Aidan won't sit still long enough to wait for Owen to kick.
Belly button?: Still the partial outie.
What I miss?: Being able to run. The round ligament pain definitely prevents me from doing so, but there are days that Aidan doesn't cooperate with getting in the vehicle. He'll play a game of chase, and I know if I was pregnant, I could easily catch him. He thinks he's soooooo funny.
Labor signs?:None
TMI: My increased fiber and magnesium intake has returned me to regular...as much as a pregnant woman can be. Let's hope I don't have to tweak the routine anymore, and what I am taking will keep working.
What I'm looking forward to?: A loooooong weekend. Aidan's day care is closed for the week of July Forth, so I am taking off Wednesday, and Thursday is a holiday. So I will have 5 days off...all with Aidan. Let's hope I can survive the long weekend.
I didn't do much with the nursery this past weekend as I planned, so hopefully Aidan will let me do some preparations over the long weekend.
Bump Progression Week 25 to 28
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Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 |
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