So this week, I would say my RLP peaked. On Monday, though, I thought there's no way I can make it another 8 weeks. I didn't want to move, and I swore I needed a walker or a cane to even walk down the hall to the restroom. I didn't want to drink water because water meant I would have to move. No worries, I drank the water and hobbled down the hall. Regardless, I honestly thought that I needed to be on bed rest - I would put the pain on a scale from 0-10 as a 5, at least. However, as the week went on, the pain level decreased. In addition, I bought a pregnancy support belt and supportive underwear to help my ligaments out, which appears to help. Some days the pain is a 1 or 2, but the pain in manageable. Let's hope it stays that way!
How big is baby?: According to the APP, I'm Expecting: Started the Week 32 as the size of a Bok Choy and is about to be a Pineapple.
Weight gain?: 1 lb this week, 29 total
Stretch marks?: Still fortunate, no stretch marks
Sleep?: With the RLP, falling asleep is more difficult. My lower body aches, which makes getting comfortable extremely difficult. Once I fall asleep, I am good for the night.
Best moment?: I was able to spend the ENTIRE day with some awesome people - Jen and Patrick - at the beach. Aidan was shy at first, but he quickly warmed up to them. He loved the ocean, loved the waves crashing into, running into and out of the ocean, and trying to chase after the birds. From Patrick, he learned how to place his sunglasses on his shirt when he isn't hearing them, and he found that Jen would quickly dance along with him, throwing elbows and jumping just like he does. So in the end, Aidan started telling Patrick how to wear his glasses and Jen to dance.
Worst moment?: Two of my dogs got into a viscous fight - over what, I'm not sure, but it wasn't pretty. The fight was emotionally draining and put a damper on my weekend.
Food cravings?: Still salty foods over sweets, so weird to me.
Symptoms?: Round Ligament Pain, or as the OB said, severe RLP. I've found ways to manage, and I am considering seeing a chiropractor to help, too.
Exercise?: None this week. If walking hurt, I was going to push myself. Besides, the OB said to rest.
Movement?: So much movement!
Belly button?: An outie
What I miss?: A good walk or run!
Labor signs?:None
TMI: Baby powder is helping with the chaffing...liners have to be changed twice a day. Oy, not such a pleasant pregnancy this time around.
What I'm looking forward to?: My mom turns 50! Her birthday is during the week, but I'm sure we'll figure out something this weekend to celebrate. Last year, before mom found out my sister and I were pregnant, the plan was to go to the beach for a week. So mom said she would delay turning 50 for another year so we could celebrate next year...nice try, mom, you'll still be 50 this year.
Bump Progression:
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Week 31