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32 W 6 D |
This week also concluded the child birthing classes where we had a pediatrician and a car seat specialist come. Both of the speakers were very informative - though it means I needed to add another thing on the list. We need to have a prenatal appointment with a pediatrician, and I signed up for an infant and child CPR class. In addition, the class went over postpartum recovery and briefly touched on breastfeeding, though I have another full class on Tuesday that will cover breastfeeding.
How far along?: 32 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Head of Lettuce and about to be a Honeydew. The fruit doesn't change as often as it did early on. Going into week 32, Aidan is approximately 19 inches long and weighs 4.5 lbs.
Weight gain?: About 1lb. Total weight gain is 25 lbs.
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Definitely.
Sleep?: Still sleeping great, but if I sleep through the entire night, my shoulder and hip ache. I can't sleep on my stomach any more :( and I'm not suppose to sleep on my back. At least I get a good night's rest, can't complain about that!
Best moment this week?: Some of the girls from work threw me a shower, and it was tons of fun. I'm not normally one for games at showers, but they made them lots of fun that at the end of the night I had to stop laughing because I hurt every time I did. In addition, my coworkers are extremely giving and generous.
Worst moment this week?: My two miniature daschunds decided to fight over a stupid bone, and one of them ended up with a bite on her butt and leg. I'm not sure if it was as bad as she made it out to be - she's a drama queen and can over exaggerate and act like her feelings are really hurt if you have to scold her. Still though, we had to baby her for a day or two.
Food cravings?: None that stick out.
Symptoms?:Little bit of lower back pain a few days a week. Depends on how I sleep.
Exercise?: I walked 3 miles, played tennis for 45 minutes, and worked out my arms twice and legs once.
Movement?: Aidan moves a lot! He is the most active around 9 to 9:30 PM when I am going to sleep. It's awesome to feel him move around so much and watch my stomach move with him. The feeling is incredible.
Belly button?: Pretty much an outie!
What I miss?: Being able to sleep on my stomach or back.
Labor signs?: Not yet. Hope to keep it that for a while!
Purchases: Due to my coworker's generosity, I was able to go out and buy the stroller I wanted - I went with the City Mini Baby Jogger in Orange and Grey. I bought it online, so I can't wait to get it in and play around with it. In addition, I bought some cloth diapering stuff, cloth wipes, and a portable clothes line so I can line dry cloth diapers and covers.
What I'm looking forward to?: I'm looking forward to the wood floors being done! I am so excited about the new floors and can't wait to see the change. Almost there!
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