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30 W 6 D |
We also attended the second child birthing class on Tuesday. We watched a lot of video clips of women in labor followed by a 40 minute video of women giving birth in three different situations - med free, local analgesic, and full on epidural. From what I saw on the video, it reinforces my want to deliver Aidan without any medicine, especially not a local analgesic, which can be transferred through the placenta.
How far along?: 30 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Squash and about to be a Head of Lettuce. The fruit doesn't change as often as it did early on. Going into week 31, Aidan is approximately 18 inches long and weighs 3.2 lbs.
Weight gain?: About 1lb. Total weight gain is 23 lbs.
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Definitely.
Sleep?: Still sleeping great. Though I thought the nights of being able to sleep on my stomach were over, but it turns out only one night I had difficulty. Otherwise, I fall asleep on my side and wake up on my stomach.
Best moment this week?: Seeing Aidan again on the 3D/4D ultrasound. He was sleeping the entire time, even though all the other days I felt movement at 3:30 PM. The technician tried and tried to wake him, but he was sleeping soundly and wasn't going to be disturbed...reminded me of how I sleep!
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Aidan at 30 W 5 D |
Worst moment this week?: Monday was tough because I was exhausted - I can't seem to fall asleep after the weekend. I also learned at my dentist visit that one of my teeth has to be crowned. A previous cavity from my younger days has experienced new decay, and it cannot be filled anymore. So I have to get a crown. :(
Food cravings?: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese - Easy Mac.
Symptoms?: Nothing additional. Leg cramps only occur if I forget to drink milk that day.
Exercise?: I walked 6 miles, worked out twice, and played tennis once this week. Playing tennis is becoming more difficult due to picking up the balls from the ground, but other than that, I can still play.
Movement?: Tons of movement - the hardest kicks and the most movement seem to occur between 9 and 10 PM.
Belly button?: Half outie, half flush with my stomach.
What I miss?: Being able to easily pick things that are on the floor/ground.
Labor signs?: Not yet. Hope to keep it that for a while!
Purchases: Thanks to a generous friend (thanks Julie!), I was able to go buy the infant car seat this weekend! It's nice to know that we have it and are prepared no matter when Aidan decides to make his debut...hopefully no sooner than 38 weeks. I went with the Chicco Key Fit 30, which is compatible with the Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller that I want. The Key Fit 30 received a lot of great reviews and rated very highly from a safety and ease of installation standpoint.
What I'm looking forward to?: Just looking forward to every passing week and completing our "to-do" list before the arrival of Aidan. Hopefully we'll be able to start the hardwood floors in the next week or two - the carpet is definitely not holding up.
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