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31 W 6 D |
AJ also installed the ceiling fan in the nursery. We installed it for air circulation (neither of us can sleep well without one on) and white noise for Aidan. Let's hope he likes it. I was hoping we would also figure out where to hang the handmade airplane that we received a few weeks ago at the baby shower, but I still haven't decided on the best location. There's still time - 8 weeks give or take a few. :)
I can't believe I am 7 months along - time is going fast. We have one last child birthing class, and I have a breastfeeding class lined up the following week. In addition, I start going to the OB every 2 weeks now, instead of 4. Speaking of child birthing class, this past week's class went over labor complications and solutions, pain relief advantages and disadvantages, and watched a few more labor video clips. The pros and cons of medical interventions for pain like nubain, epidural, pitocin just reinforced once again that I would really like to manage the pain myself. I even practicing relaxing when I was at the dentist's office last week, and I was definitely less tense than I normally am! It made me forget I was at the dentist, so let's hope it works when I'm in labor...
How far along?: 31 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Head of Lettuce and about to be a Head of Lettuce. The fruit doesn't change as often as it did early on. Going into week 32, Aidan is approximately 19 inches long and weighs 3.9 lbs.
Weight gain?: About 1lb. Total weight gain is 24 lbs.
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Definitely. Though I still wear a belt with the maternity pants that allow me, and I wear my small tees around the house.
Sleep?: Still sleeping great, though this week I woke up to my bottom leg falling asleep if I wasn't using the body pillow when sleeping on my side.
Best moment this week?: Being able to watch Aidan move from the outside! He was kicking and turning a lot this week, and you could definitely see my stomach moving. Crazy how Aidan can move so much in such a tight space.
Worst moment this week?: Nothing that I can think of this week.
Food cravings?: I eat a lot of Pop Ice popsicles.
Symptoms?:None this week - I took care of the leg cramps.
Exercise?: I walked 8 miles and worked my lower and upper body twice this week.
Movement?: Tons of movement. I notice more movement after I eat, approximately 30 minutes later.
Belly button?: Pretty much an outie!
What I miss?: Being able to easily pick things that are on the floor/ground.
Labor signs?: Not yet. Hope to keep it that for a while!
Purchases: Surprisingly, none this week for the nursery/Aidan. I did buy a book on natural child birth and a exercise ball - the child birthing class suggested the exercising ball to sit on and do a few strengthening exercises.
What I'm looking forward to?: Some of the chics from work are throwing me a shower on Wednesday, so I'm excited for that. I'm also eager to receive the hardwood flooring so that AJ can put that down.
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