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34 W 6 D |
So what's left? I think I need to finish prepping the cloth diapers and figure out how I want to organize the changing area. Mom suggests I pack the hospital bag.
How far along?: 34 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Pineapple and about to be a Large Cantaloupe. The fruit doesn't change as often as it did early on. Going into week 32, Aidan is approximately 22 inches long and weighs 5.5 lbs.
Weight gain?: About a half a pound, maybe. Total weight gain is 26 lbs.
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Definitely. At home, I'll wear my old t-shirts, but I wouldn't go out in public wearing them1
Sleep?: Sleep is great...as long as it isn't Sunday night!
Best moment this week?: AJ continued to work on the hardwood floors - the hallway floor is laid. In the living room, he installed all the trim and molding, aside from the transition from the kitchen to the dining room. All that is left is molding and transition pieces, but the floors look great! I love the way it looks. We also bought a rug for the living room - it's amazing the difference between the ratty builder's grade carpet and the new hardwood floors.
Worst moment this week?: Monday was terrible since I slept only 3 good hours. Not sure why I can't fall asleep on some Sunday's, but it's annoying. Plus, AJ was still out of town working - he actually arrived home when I was getting up for work.
Food cravings?: Nothing really stands out.
Symptoms?:I adjusted my work chair, and now, I don't have any nagging lower back pain. So the two major symptoms I was experiencing, leg cramps and lower back pain, are gone! Woohoo...but another one reared its ugly head. *Warning TMI to follow* Since I want to keep track of my pregnancy - the good and the bad - I want to make sure I document this awful pregnancy symptom so I know what to expect (and when) in the future. Last week, and on no-sleep Monday morning, I was confronted with hemorrhoids. :( Monday was bad because I didn't know how to deal with it, but the rest of the week has been better, but the 'roids are still around, just not as much. It's more of an inconvenience than anything - no itchiness. It was only painful to sit on Monday, and it wasn't all day Monday. I plan on talking with my doctor tomorrow about it, just in case he has any concerns.
Exercise?: I walked 3 miles, swam a mile, and worked out my arms, core and legs once.
Movement?: Aidan moves a lot - I feel his feet in my right ribs a lot, and sometimes, I have to hold my hand at my ribs and gently push his feet away.
Belly button?: It's an outie
What I miss?: Moving around easily. I have to step on the side rail of my truck, plop my butt in the seat, and then swing my legs around. Getting out is the same, in reverse. There's no quick way to get in or out!
Labor signs?: None that I noticed - not even Braxton Hicks.
Purchases: Nothing this week.
What I'm looking forward to?: I'm looking forward to having the hardwood floors complete! This coming Saturday, AJ and I will be celebrating 6 years of marriage, and we will be celebrating with friends and family as we have one last shower.