I don't quite recall when the switch was flipped, but within the last
month, Aidan went from calm baby to wild boy. It was around the time he
started taking steps and realized he could take pillows of the couch,
take some steps, and crash into the pillows. He takes his push toys,
and runs circles in the house, chases after the dogs, and runs over your
foot. He'll hit a wall, pull the toy back, and keep going - nothing
seems to slow this boy down.
He runs over to his toy boxES, throws everything out, and then kicks it around. He will help pick it up, but let's face it, AJ and I clean up 97% of it. Silly, crazy boy. Of course, we only encourage him - he is a toddler, and unless he is endangering himself or others, he should be having fun, even if it means picking up 100 blocks.
The dogs have learned to run and hide when Aidan is using his push toys because I SWEAR he is chasing after them. Though Bo is not so smart, or maybe he loves the attention, but he stands in front of Aidan wagging his tale. Bo and Aidan seem to have bonded quite well.
Anyway, to update you and for my memory's sake, Aidan went for his 1 year appointment on September 5th. Aidan was 27.2 LB and 32.5" long, supposedly 90% for each category. In addition, he received two shots, though I now forget what they were. Aidan did not react well to the shots, a few days later, he refused to eat, and if he did, he threw up. This was our first experience with a reaction to the shots, and of course, it fell on his birthday party weekend. Poor kid. Though, still a wild boy, just not eating.
Aidan is currently wearing 18 month, 24 month, and 2T clothes. Most 18 month shirts cause his belly to stick out or fit tight, so we moved up to 24 month clothes. Big kid...future linebacker right? Or maybe a drummer? He loves music. Fussy kid? Put on the country station and he starts to dance. Hopefully this
trick continues to work as we tread carefully in the world of toddlerdom.
Wow he's so BIG! I love how active he is...he's not so wild that you are like ugh, woman, corral your kid, he's just active like, aww he is having so much fun!