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38 W 6 D, Last Picture |
On Monday, August 29th, I had my regular weekly check up, 0 CM dilated and the no softening of the cervix. No progress whatsoever. No stripping (of the membranes, because I certainly had to strip down and get into a lovely gown). Bets for the birth pool were also closed on Monday so that I didn't have any special insiders information. I didn't want to be all Martha Stewart and spend months in jail over knowing a few extra details when it came to betting.
On Wednesday, August 31st - No baby,no signs of baby, there goes my bet. And yes, I only bet one day because I KNEW Aidan was coming, so sure of it.
On Thursday, August 1st - I had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, which was a first for me. I tried different positions, with pillows, without pillows; I tried sleeping on the couch and sleeping in the reclining couch chair. No luck. I probably slept a good two hours before going to work.
On Friday, August 2nd - I noticed anew kind of pain in the pelvic area. I had been zipping around all pregnancy long, but Friday morning was tough. Friday at work was tough. It felt like there was a mile between the printer and my desk,and luckily, I only had to work a half day. Also, work was having a luncheon for all the workers before the big weekend, and I was excited to eat the delicious cheeseburgers they serve, so I had to work until lunchtime. I remember leaving work and knowing it would be months returned, so it was bittersweet. I remember napping and being interrupted by Anthony because his truck ran out of gas. I was not a happy pregnant lady, but I couldn't leave him stranded on the side of the road in order to finish my nap, right? Dinner, football, sleep. Wait,sleep? No, I do not remember sleeping. Turn the football game back on. No idea who won, which is unlike me to not know who won a big game, but hey, those details were forgotten in the flurry of excitement to follow.
Sometime Saturday in the wee hours, August 3rd - Back pain, closer contractions, and leg pain. Laundry,books, bath, packing the hospital bags. Waiting. Playing on the internet.Waiting. WILL MORNING EVER COME? Walking, breathing, birthing ball, holy crap my legs are on fire. It's time to go. I wake AJ and tell him he has to take me to the hospital, no joke hun, wake up. Feed the dogs, put orange clothes on, grab a cheese stick, out the door, text the neighbor that I can't watch the dogs today. I want the pain in my legs to stop! Arrive at the hospital, oh please admit me, please.Put the gown on, hook up the monitors, check for dilation. 4 cm,you're admitted! Call the parents, endure the pain, greet the parents.I want sleep, I need sleep, please make my legs stop hurting. Epi? Um,um, um...yes, give me the epi. Relief, sleep, oh, the rest of the family is here. Water breaks. Turn me over like a pancake to the other side, now you're 10cm, time to push. 20 minutes later, 12:12 PM, Aidan is here.Feed Aidan, celebrate, eat, sleep, football.
Feels like yesterday, it really does. Sounds corny, but time really does fly. My baby boy is almost 1, and yet, it seems like yesterday there was the adrenaline rush of "we're going to meet our son" today.
Here's the link to the original story. Several times, I thought about going back and adding to it or correcting grammatical issues, but you know what, I wrote that story in the hospital,and that's the way it's staying.
Today, September 1st, 52 Saturdays later, I am watching the opening college football games. Something I gladly turned off to meet Aidan, though I did see some games. I cannot even tell you who Clemson played September 3rd or if there were any upsets, which is crazy to me. Last season was a blur, a good blur.
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Training Deck is all mine at 4:30 AM! |
Whether I talked about it or not, maternity leave was stressful. I didn't have my identity and being in the house a lot drove me crazy. Yes, I enjoyed my time with Aidan, but at the same time I knew staying at home was not for me. With a second child, I will likely take the 12 week leave again, mostly for the baby's health. Yes, there will be a second, but no, I am not pregnant. Also, the leave helped with breastfeeding, and if you remember my initial goal was 6 months, and I think I will stick to the same goal. Pumping at work is stressful. Cleaning the parts, finding the time, and worrying with output was stressful. Carrying in a lunch bag, a pump bag, a diaper bag and a baby is tough. Trying to find time to eat was tough.
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Tomato Sauce made just for Aidan |
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Finding Time for Softball |
The hardest challenge was accepting that Aidan needed tubes in his ears. I couldn't cry when he was born, I don't cry when he gets hurts, and I don't cry when he cries. But I wanted to, but held strong for Aidan, cry when Aidan was in the sound booth and not responding. I don't want my baby boy to be hampered by his ears like I feel I have been. Inherit everything else, but not the ears. Talk about stress of being a mom and dealing with the anger of having given your son bad ears. I mean, my fault, right? Maybe, maybe not, but I was hard on myself right at the time I was trying to change careers. Crazy, crazy stress, but we made it through it.
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I did not get a chance to mow the | lawn for almost a year! |
oh Diana! Just read this today and I have to say I SO appreciate your honesty!! There are a handful of people that I look up to (and usually compare myself to) - people that have values similar to mine but are a little further along, a little "better" than me as a mom. (yeah, I know I shouldn't do that, but.... I do :( Anyway, you are one of those people. Breastfeeding, homemade baby food, cloth diapering - all while working, continuing to make time for working out, etc. For some reason I assume that it is easy for others while I find it all exhausting, stressful, and regularly feel like I'm failing at attaining the high goals I've set for myself. In some ways it makes it easier to know that other moms are struggling too. And yes, yes, yes to it taking a year to feel human again :) That first year is so tough but so wonderful at the same time. Some of the lowest points of our marriage, but some of the best times of growth as well. I can so relate to everything you said! I've definitely found that it continues to get easier the older & more independent they become. And baby #2 is easier than the first - I was so much more confident. Still very physically taxing but knowing what to expect and that one day you will feel like yourself again makes it easier to endure. I'm happy to hear you want a #2 :) You are doing a great job and your kids are blessed to have you as a mom. Thanks again for sharing this post!
ReplyDeleteAww, thanks for your comment, Denise. I feel the same way about you...you're an inspiration to me. I'm glad to hear that the second one isn't as difficult to adjust to!