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27 W 6 D |
I still can't believe I am in the third trimester already! It's amazing to me to see how much my belly has grown...I have learned I can't squeeze through things as easily as I just to, such as vehicles parked way too close together. You would think I was use to my stomach poking out, but it still feels like a new concept to me! Even when I was painting the nursery and the furniture was all rearranged/disorganized, I tried to squeeze between two pieces of furniture, but I couldn't! So weird.
Keeping busy makes the time pass...Back in April, after I took the PE exam, I created a "To Do" list, which actually grows as we work on it! It's amazing all the things you see to do when you're working on something else. We hope to complete it all before the baby comes.
So here is the original list:
Stain fenceStain the deck- Refresh paint on Arbor
and swing Refresh paint on porchClean and paint concrete on screen porchRefresh the paint on the door frameBuy cabinet to store all the random stuff kept on the porch- Finish the chairs for the dining room
Clean out guest room- Bring stuff to Goodwill
- Replace carpet in living room and hallway
Finish paint in laundry room
How far along?: 27 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Eggplant and about to be a Eggplant. The fruit doesn't change as often as it did early on. Going into week 28, Aidan is approximately 16 inches long and weighs 2.5 lbs.
Weight gain?: About .5 lb. Total weight gain is 20 lbs.
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Almost exclusively, and I have given in to the fact that shirt tucking can no longer happen. :(
Sleep?: Still sleeping great, even after adjusting to an earlier work schedule. I can still sleep on my stomach as long as I am asleep well before Aidan starts moving around, otherwise, I have to sleep on my side.
Best moment this week?: Going out to dinner with some old coworkers/friends - it's always great to catch up with them.
Worst moment this week?: Monday was terrible because I couldn't fall asleep Sunday night and I probably slept 4 hours (or less!)
Food cravings?: Anything chocolate.
Symptoms?: Leg cramping at night. It's terrible, and I drink a lot of water during the day and even more at night, but it keeps occurring. I need to eat more bananas and see if that helps. I had at least 4 cramps last night. :(
Exercise?: I played tennis twice this week, walked 2 miles, and did an arms and legs work out this week. In addition, I was outside a lot running around with the dogs. If I don't do something active when I get home from work, I want to fall asleep, so I try to find something to do to keep me awake!
Movement?: SoCo, one of our dogs, was kicked in the face this week! It was hilarious to see her confusion, but then she put her head back on my stomach where she was kicked again! Sometimes, I swear one of Aidan's appendages is behind my rib cage - feels so weird.
Belly button?: Half outie, half flush with my stomach.
What I miss?: Being able to easily touch my toes!
Labor signs?: Nope! Too early.
Purchases: What didn't I buy?! I traded in books through Amazon's trade in program and sold more on eBay. So I bought a penguin clock, penguin pacifier clip, newborn cloth diapers - a variety of brands to try out, a rocker/glider with an ottoman, and a quilt hanging rack with a shelf! So exciting. Most of it came in last week, so I put together the rocker/glider and set it up in the nursery.
What I'm looking forward to?: My mom and mother in law are throwing AJ and I a baby shower next weekend, so I am looking forward to seeing all the family/family friends.
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