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26 W 6 D |
How far along?: 26 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Eggplant and about to be a Eggplant. The fruit doesn't change as often as it did early on. Going into week 27, Aidan is approximately 15 inches long and weighs 2.2 lbs.
Weight gain?: About .5 lb. Total weight gain is 19.5 lbs.
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Almost exclusively, and I have given in to the fact that shirt tucking can no longer happen. :(
Sleep?: Sleeping is still great, and if I go to bed before Aidan starts his kicking, I can usually fall asleep on my stomach. The only other issue I am having is Bojanges, our new beagle pup, forgets that on weekends, I sleep in. I wear him out for an hour, then he wants to go back to sleep, and I'm wide awake.
Best moment this week?: Having the holiday on Monday was great - now only a month more until July 4th! I love 3 day weekends. I also was able to visit with family on Sunday and swim in the pool which was nice.
Worst moment this week?: One night this week one of our dogs threw up in the bed and it led to me only being able to sleep 5 hours. I was exhausted the next day!
Food cravings?: Still wishing Krispy Kreme was closer.
Symptoms?: Nothing really.
Exercise?: I walked 3 miles, worked out 3 times this week, played tennis once, and cleaned the entire screened porch and painted the concrete (over 4 hours of work!).
Movement?: He is definitely kicking and rolling around more. Starting next week, I am suppose to keep track of his fetal movement.
Belly button?: Half outie, half flush with my stomach. I like to press on it like it were a button - no idea why, but I just enjoy doing so!
What I miss?: Being able to easily touch my toes!
Labor signs?: Nope! Too early.
Purchases: I bought a crib skirt and penguin embriodery items to add to it - though I won't receive those for at least a week.
What I'm looking forward to?: Nothing in particular, though I can't wait to get the penguin appliques and being able to customize the bed skirt.
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