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29 W 6 D |
AJ started to tear up the carpet and part of the dining room floor yesterday. We needed a piece of the existing floor so we could match it, hopefully. Though I went to Lumber Liquidators, and they didn't have anything in the store that matched our floor. :( I also drove to some other stores, but apparently, most are not open on Saturday. It's nice to see the project get started though. So much to do before Aidan arrives! Let's hope we can knock out the list.
How far along?: 29 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Squash and about to be a Squash. The fruit doesn't change as often as it did early on. Going into week 29, Aidan is approximately 17 inches long and weighs 3.1 lbs.
Weight gain?: About 1lb. Total weight gain is 22 lbs.
Stretch marks?: Not yet.
Maternity clothes?: Definitely.
Sleep?: Still sleeping great. There was one night I had to wake up in the middle of the night to pee, but it's the first time it has happened all pregnancy long, and I contributed it to drinking close to 60 ounces of water in the last few hours before going to bed!
Best moment this week?: Starting the child birthing classes - makes the arrival of Aidan seem so much closer (and real).
Worst moment this week?: Wednesday was tough because I was exhausted, but other than that, no complaints.
Food cravings?: Still on a chocolate kick. I did get a dozen chocolate glazed Krispy Kreme donuts! Yum.
Symptoms?: Leg cramping is on and off - I need to remember to drink the milk before bed because it seems to eliminate leg cramps at night. My veins are also a lot more noticeable - AJ commented that I looked like Spider Man with all the veins and how blue they were.
Exercise?: I walked 9 miles this week and worked out at the gym. Good week - walking is great.
Movement?: Tons of movement, sometimes it's light and sometimes I think Aidan believes he's practicing mix martial arts!
Belly button?: Half outie, half flush with my stomach.
What I miss?: Being able to easily pick things that are on the floor/ground. It's not so easy to pick up all the dog toys - in 5 minutes, Bojangles can have the entire box of toys all over the living room!
Labor signs?: Not yet. Hope to keep it that for a while!
Purchases: I bought A LOT of cloth diapers from a lady selling them on Craigslist. Most items were brand new - she was overseas and didn't have trash pick up so she thought about trying CDing, but then they didn't have a washer/dryer in the place. So she gave up very quickly. She was a very nice person, and I picked u a lot of Green Mountain prefolds for very cheap, most less than a dollar a piece which is a great deal for GMD. The nice thing is she already completed the prep process, so I only had to wash them once...and now I need to put them away.
What I'm looking forward to?: I reluctantly scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound since AJ really wanted one, and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing baby Aidan since it has been 10 weeks. In addition, we have another 3 day weekend coming up, and I love having the extra day off.