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19 W 6 D |
How far along?: 19 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Mango and about to be a Cantaloupe.
Weight gain?: Not sure since I was out of town when I do my weekly weigh in.
Stretch marks?: None that I have noticed, but not like I'm looking for any.
Maternity clothes?: Except for some hiking shorts, all of my pants/shorts are maternity wear with most of them being the below the belly style since I love those the best. Shirts are still fine.
Sleep?: I love sleep, and there's still no issues of sleeping as a result of pregnancy. I can still sleep on my stomach.
Best moment this week?: My sister's wedding was pretty awesome. The food was marvelous, and I definitely ate plenty. If you are ever in Charleston, you need to check out the Swamp Fox on King Street. I had to have seconds of everything!
Worst moment this week?: It was a great week, nothing terrible sticks out, which is good!
Food cravings?: Seafood - shrimp especially. I fulfilled the craving the most I could this weekend - whenever there was an option of shrimp, I chose it. I even ordered grits because it came with shrimp, but I didn't eat the grits - YUCK!
Symptoms?: None that I noticed this week.
Exercise?: I'm finally back to a normal routine! I played tennis 3 times last week, and I worked out with weights 3 times. Feels great to be outside in the sunshine, too!
Gender?: We hope to find out this week.
Movement?: I feel movement everyday, sometimes a few times a day, other days, I feel it a lot. I think the baby likes chocolate cake - every time I eat it, some time afterwards, I can definitely feel movement.
Belly button?: I'd say it's half flush with my stomach, and half in. So soon it will be an outie.
What I miss?: An ice cold beer would be nice...didn't help that my brother would tease me with his Bud Lights at the wedding reception. The beer felt ice cold when he put it on my back...
Labor signs?: too early!
What I'm looking forward to?: Going to the anatomy scan and seeing the baby again - hopefully finding out the gender. I also want to start laying out and buying the nursery furniture.
we find out tomorrow also!!!! i cant wait to hear what you are having!