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17 w 6 d |
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17 w 6 d |
So I'm a day late updating the blog, but it's due to the great study effort I had yesterday. From 7AM to 3:30 PM and from 7:30 PM to 10:00PM, I was working hard on the PE exam. I took one sample exam, and if it's anything like the real exam I take on Friday, I should kick its butt! I missed a few problems here and there, but part of it was due to simple math errors (Sta 76+00 - 73+00 = 100...uh, no Diana, it's 300). I had the concept of the entire problem right, but the 100' threw off the answer. I blame it on being so brain dead from studying, which is why I will not study on Thursday - I will just relax. The only break I took was going out to dinner to celebrate some birthdays with my family. My sister turns the BIG THREE OH this coming Friday and I'll be 28 just a few short weeks after her.
This past week, I did make a quick visit back to the OB to give a tube of blood for alphfetoprotein (AFP) aka, the triple screen or quad screen. Apparently, it's some sort of genetic testing and is generally used to detect neural tube defects. Not like I knew any of this before giving blood, but the doctor said all he needed from me was a little blood, so I signed up! I use to donate a pint every 8 weeks, so what's a small test tube?! Here's more information: AFP; I'm not worried about anything, I just gave blood because it was easy, and if further testing were needed, this test would show it...supposedly...at least from what I read!
How far along?: 17 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Onion and about to be a Sweet Potato.
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Onion and about to be a Sweet Potato.
Weight gain?: No gain last week means gain this week! 2lbs for a total of 11 lbs. I'm seeing numbers I have never seen before...it's crazy, but if the baby needs it, I'll gain it. I think the baby has been generous and let some of the weight go to my boobs. I have a one inch scar on my chest that I swear was laying flat on my chest, but now it appears to be part of my boob...who knows, I'll probably search my beach photos to see if I can find the scar and compare to what I see now. :)
Stretch marks?: No
Maternity clothes?: Just pants, aka toddler jeans. I call them toddler jeans because they have the elastic waist band and no button or zipper - reminds me of what little kids wear. They are super comfortable and I can tuck my shirt in and wear a belt - two positives! Okay, three if you count comfort. Other than that, no additional maternity clothes needed - shirts are still long enough.
Sleep?: Still sleeping on my stomach and sleeping very well. I love sleep - I swear I'm getting the best sleep ever! I also have crazy, crazy dreams. So many random people in my dreams doing random things. It makes me want to laugh so hard. I did have one bad dream where a relative was passing away, but I made myself wake up (I was actually crying in my sleep). In my dream, I was telling myself to wake up! And I did, then went promptly back to sleep and had a better dream.
Best moment this week?: Seeing my sister this weekend! It's always good when I get to see my sister or brother, and esp. when food is involved.
Worst moment this week?: Realizing that one of my study guides/practice problem books for the PE exam is MISSING 48 pages. It's being replaced for free, but I had to pay $30 to ship it quickly to me so it's here before Friday. Ugh, talk about cutting it close and stressing me out. :(
Food cravings?: Frozen Pizzas. Tostinos pepperoni pizza FTW.
Stretch marks?: No
Maternity clothes?: Just pants, aka toddler jeans. I call them toddler jeans because they have the elastic waist band and no button or zipper - reminds me of what little kids wear. They are super comfortable and I can tuck my shirt in and wear a belt - two positives! Okay, three if you count comfort. Other than that, no additional maternity clothes needed - shirts are still long enough.
Sleep?: Still sleeping on my stomach and sleeping very well. I love sleep - I swear I'm getting the best sleep ever! I also have crazy, crazy dreams. So many random people in my dreams doing random things. It makes me want to laugh so hard. I did have one bad dream where a relative was passing away, but I made myself wake up (I was actually crying in my sleep). In my dream, I was telling myself to wake up! And I did, then went promptly back to sleep and had a better dream.
Best moment this week?: Seeing my sister this weekend! It's always good when I get to see my sister or brother, and esp. when food is involved.
Worst moment this week?: Realizing that one of my study guides/practice problem books for the PE exam is MISSING 48 pages. It's being replaced for free, but I had to pay $30 to ship it quickly to me so it's here before Friday. Ugh, talk about cutting it close and stressing me out. :(
Food cravings?: Frozen Pizzas. Tostinos pepperoni pizza FTW.
Symptoms?: Itchy boobs - could that be a sign of growth?!?! :)
Exercise?: Just call me a slacker! I exercised three times this week - two nights of weights and one night of racquetball.
Gender?: Hopefully we'll know April 19th!!
Movement?: I felt movement everyday! It's awesome. After eating a little bit of chocolate cake on Saturday, I definitely felt kicking. The baby likes chocolate, so I should eat more, right? I mean, it's a sign from the baby...Exercise?: Just call me a slacker! I exercised three times this week - two nights of weights and one night of racquetball.
Gender?: Hopefully we'll know April 19th!!
Belly button?: Definitely becoming a shallower innnie.
What I miss?: Nothing that I can think of right now.
Labor signs?: too early!
What I'm looking forward to?: I am ready to be done with studying, so I am looking forward to taking the PE on Friday and having my life back. Related to that, I can't wait to clean my house! It's such a mess, and I want to organize things and get rid of a bunch a stuff to goodwill. I want to clean out the guest room in preparation of turning it into a nursery. I also want to bake an cook - can't wait to make the truffles for my sister's wedding! I just want FREEDOM from studying.
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