Sunday - Okay, so maybe not on Sunday. Aidan's grandparents visited him and brought him a cute little Clemson windbreaker outfit that he wore later in the week when the weather turned cold.
Monday - Mom and I took Aidan to the Greeneway in North Augusta to take photos in similar locations as the maternity photos. While Aidan slept a lot and was generally not fussy, he was not as cooperative as we had hoped, so the photo shoot ended earlier than expected. However, we did have some great shots, and I love his boo boo face.
Tuesday - Mom and I went downtown Aiken for lunch and to look around at the shops. We bought some awesome olive oil and balsamic vinegar from a specialty shop. We looked for Lincoln Logs at the antique store because dad wanted to buy Aidan some real Lincoln Logs, not plastic.
Wednesday - Aidan joined me at a baby shower for one of my coworkers, where he looked so adorable in his Clemson outfit. He did very well until the end where I thought he might be hungry, but really, he wanted a nap.
Thursday - We ate at a nice restaurant in downtown Aiken with a neighbor. Aidan fussed on the way to the restaurant, but was quiet the whole time we ate.
Friday - Aidan stayed in, while I went out shopping. I have to admit that I bought too many bags of candy corn pumpkins and probably have just half of them left...
Saturday - Aidan and traveled the farthest distance alone to a wedding in Neeses, SC at the Buck Ridge Plantation. I wore him in my K'tan sling, and we kept each other warm since it was an outside wedding and when the sun went down, it was cold! He was alert some of the time but mostly slept, hardly any crying. He didn't wake when a cannon went off after the wedding ceremony...sleepy boy.
The Sixth week growth spurt came and went. We were working on spacing the feedings out to 3 to 3.5 hours, but during the spurt it decreased to 1.5 to 2 hours during the evenings, but no change over night. Aidan is consistently taking 6 hours between feedings at night which is typically 11 pm to 5 am.
Aidan is also smiling a lot more...more than smiles in the morning. He is more alert during the day, which means less napping, but that's okay. I love playing with him and walking him around the house or yard so he can look at everything.
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