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12 w 6 d |
One of the worst dreams I had was I was riding the Harley, fell over, picked the bike up, and then started cramping and later lost the baby. :( Has me freaked out. There was more to the dream, like riding the Harley with a few people from work who were on bicycles as they were headed to work on a Saturday, and I was headed to McDonald's to buy a sausage McGriddle. It was again, strange and weird, but the ending is what I did not like, and while I still lift weights at the gym, it is much different than picking a 500 to 600 lb motorcycle off the ground. I've had two offers on it, but one turned out to be a scam and the other found a cheaper bike at the last minute (though, not as loaded.:) ) So anyone reading this, I would like to take the time to remind you, it's still for sale!
How far along?: 12 weeks 6 days
How big is baby?: According to What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Started the week as the size of a Plum and about to be a Peach.
Weight gain?: No gain this week, so I remain at 5lbs
Stretch marks?: No
Maternity clothes?: None yet. Though I decided yesterday to quit wearing a belt since every time I sit down the buckle presses into my stomach.
Sleep?: Sleep is great, no issues. Dreams are still crazy and bizarre.
Best moment this week?: Hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler at the doctor's office, and then finding the HB at home with my Doppler.
Worst moment this week?: Another crazy week at work, but manageable. Nothing too bad.
Food cravings?: MAC & CHEESE! and fried Cat Fish...still waiting on the hubby to fix me some! To be fair though, every time one of us stops at the grocery store they are either out, or have a whole lot of fish packaged (family size) and no one is around the meat department to separate it.
Symptoms?: None lately! Woo hoo
Exercise?: Cardio and weight lifting continue. I played tennis this week, and it was awesome to be outside. Though my knee the next day wasn't so happy with me...guess it's time to change out the orthotics in my tennis shoes!
Gender?: Too early to tell
Movement?: Nope, still too early
Belly button?: Still in
What I miss?: I'm sure tonight I will miss beer and good shots - it's my sister's bachelorette party. Guess I'll be sucking down the water and playing DD. :)
Labor signs?: too early!
What I'm looking forward to?: The warm weather - 80 deg Fahrenheit in the forecast for tomorrow!
Movement?: Nope, still too early
Belly button?: Still in
What I miss?: I'm sure tonight I will miss beer and good shots - it's my sister's bachelorette party. Guess I'll be sucking down the water and playing DD. :)
Labor signs?: too early!
What I'm looking forward to?: The warm weather - 80 deg Fahrenheit in the forecast for tomorrow!